Justice Has No Limits

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyers Seeking Justice For Georgia’s Injured

Getting injured in a serious accident can be life-altering, leaving accident victims with a long road to recovery. Powell & Associates was founded in Atlanta in 1988 by our lead attorney Douglas Powell. With more than 50 years of collective legal experience, our personal injury attorneys are passionate about helping those who have been injured by someone else’s negligence recover financial compensation from the at-fault party or parties.

A Personalized Approach To Personal Injury Claims

An injury in a personal injury lawsuit can be any injury to a person’s body, mind or emotions. We help clients who sustained accident injuries in a wide range of personal injury scenarios, including:

Our Atlanta personal injury lawyers take as much time as is necessary to fully understand the circumstances of your incident. We are available to our clients 24/7 to answer your questions, and you have a dedicated guide through your personal injury claims.

We handle all interactions with insurance companies on your behalf, and even represent clients in bad-faith insurance claims if you’ve had an egregious interaction with an insurance company that caused further damage or delays. Our goal is to become a legal asset to you and your family.

What Should You Do After An Accident That Leads To An Injury In Georgia?

After experiencing any sort of injury or accident in Atlanta, your immediate steps are crucial for your health and any subsequent legal claims. First, ensure the safety of everyone involved and call for medical assistance if needed. Then, if you are able, document the scene by taking photos and gathering contact information from witnesses. If it is a car accident, it is important to report the accident to the police because obtaining a police report can be vital. After addressing any urgent medical needs, consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At Powell & Associates, we guide you through the legal process, helping to protect your rights and ensure that critical evidence is preserved.

What Sorts Of Compensation Might Be Possible From An Accident Injury Claim?

Compensation for personal injury can cover various losses. Depending on the facts and circumstances of your accident, you may be eligible for the following:

  • Medical care and compensation for past, present and future medical expenses related to your accident injuries
  • Lost wages or compensation for the loss of earning capacity
  • Pain, suffering and emotional distress that resulted from your accident

In certain cases, punitive damages may also be awarded to punish the negligent party. Each case is unique, and our personal injury lawyers take the time to understand the full impact of your injury on your life. We will ask you for your medical records, information about any previous injuries and anything else that might be relevant to estimating damages in your case. Our goal is to help you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to under the law.

We Are Dedicated To Delivering Results

Our personal injury attorneys at Powell & Associates are hyperfocused on delivering results and negotiating from a position of strength. Over decades of experience, we have learned that truth is the greatest asset for any personal injury case. We are dedicated to pursuing justice and truth without fail.

Consult An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney For Free

If you have been injured as the result of someone else’s intentional or negligent conduct, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. Our personal injury lawyers offer free case evaluations and consultations. We want to make sure you understand all legal options after an unexpected accident.

To schedule your free appointment, call us at 404-240-4104 or send us an inquiry through our website.