Justice Has No Limits

Tips for Finding the Best Personal Injury Lawyer in Roswell, GA

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2021 | Firm News

Powell & Associates is committed to serving those living in Atlanta, Marietta, Roswell, Duluth and the entire surrounding metro Atlanta area when it comes to a personal injury claim. But choosing the best personal injury lawyer can be a difficult task, so our team of experienced Georgia attorneys has compiled some tips to help.

Read below to learn how to find the best personal injury lawyer in Roswell, GA.

Find Personal Injury Lawyers With Experience

The last thing you want to do is file a personal injury claim and be represented by someone with a lack of experience. Doing that could lead to key details being missed and a winnable case being lost. That is the exact opposite of what you will find at Powell & Associates. Our team has over 96 years of combined experience and the firm has been in business since 1988.

Having this type of experience means our entire team of attorneys has heard and seen it all. No personal injury claim is ever going to be too tough to handle for any attorney at our firm.

Find Personal Injury Lawyers Who Cover Everything

What exactly is a personal injury and what constitutes a claim? That question features answers such as a dog bite, car accident, nursing home malpractice, wrongful death, construction accidents, and even scooter accidents. Our firm covers all this and more as we seek to handle every single personal injury claim that comes our way in Roswell, GA.

Never let someone tell you your specific injury is not worth pursuing in court. An injury that may seem minor or even obscure at the time could build into something that warrants justice. The worst-case scenario is never filing a claim and having regrets about that decision. We encourage you to take the step of receiving a free consultation to at least discuss the facts of the personal injury.

Find Personal Injury Lawyers With Great Testimonials

Having a ton of experience is one thing. Getting great testimonials proves the experience means something to the law firm’s clients. The Powell & Associates law firm in Atlanta has a list of gracious testimonials from those we have helped with their own personal injury claims in the past. It is our honor to help and we are thrilled when seeing such positive feedback from our treasured clients.

One former client named Jennifer W. said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your representation during my lawsuit. While this was a tiring process I appreciate your input and your guidance through the process, Mr. Powell I truly thank you for all that you have done… your knowledge brought a great deal of comfort.” That type of praise is the norm at Powell & Associates and proves our team is here to fight for you!

Contact Us Today About Your Personal Injury Claim

Every single phone call and meeting is treated with the utmost importance at Powell & Associates. Do you have a personal injury claim that needs to be filed? Our team has the experience and reviews to make you feel safe and secure that justice will be served and you will get the compensation you deserve. No claim is too tough for us and we have truly seen it all. Give us a call or send us a message via our online form to schedule a free consultation at Powell & Associates today!