Justice Has No Limits

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorneys For Georgia Car And Truck Crashes

Automobile and trucking accidents can cause debilitating, severe and permanent injuries. These accidents can also result in significant financial losses to the individuals and families involved. Damages may include lost wages, medical expenses, funeral expenses and emotional trauma caused by the chaos.

The Atlanta auto and trucking accident lawyers at Powell & Associates bring more than 50 years of combined experience protecting the rights of those injured in automobile accidents. If you have been injured in an automobile or trucking accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses.

Dealing With Automobile Accidents In Atlanta

Automobile accidents can happen anywhere and may result in physical injuries as well as property damages. Some of the most common types of auto accidents include:

  • Side-impact collisions: Also known as being broadsided or T-boned, side-impact collisions happen when the side of one vehicle is hit by the rear or front of another vehicle.
  • Rear-end collisions: This type of automobile accident occurs when one car hits the vehicle in front of it. The most common type of injury associated with rear-end collisions is whiplash.
  • Vehicle rollovers: When vehicles make sharp turns at high speeds they can often flip and roll. While all automobiles are subject to rollover accidents, SUVs are most susceptible.
  • Sideswipe collisions: These types of accidents happen when two vehicles are parallel and swipe each other.
  • Multivehicle collisions: Accidents that involve more than two vehicles often occur on bus highways or freeways. These accidents are also known as multivehicle pileups and involve several vehicles.
  • Head-on collisions: Often resulting in traumatic injury or fatality, head-on collisions occur when the front ends of two vehicles collide.
  • Single-vehicle accidents. When only one vehicle is involved in an accident, it is usually caused by the driver hitting another object. Single-car accidents will typically result in personal injury and property damage.
  • Boating accidents: Our firm isn’t limited to auto accidents that happen on the road. Reckless boat operators endanger families and individuals on the water and put them at serious risk.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Powell & Associates handle all types of motor vehicle accidents. When a car accident leads to serious and catastrophic injuries, or even an unnecessary death, our car accident lawyers are available to provide compassionate and sympathetic guidance through an accident claim. They will handle everything related to your claim, including dealing with insurance companies on your behalf.

Experienced Commercial Vehicle And Trucking Accident Attorneys

Accidents involving tractor trailers are typically more serious and complex than typical automobile accidents. Without an experienced trucking accident attorney, it can be difficult to pinpoint the actual cause of the accident. Some of the most common causes of trucking accidents include:

  • Lack of driver experience and training
  • Defective equipment and poorly maintained trucks
  • Driver fatigue
  • Unreasonable driving schedules
  • Overloaded or improperly loaded trucks
  • Driver intoxication
  • Dangerous weather conditions
  • Excessive speeding
  • Defective roadways

Due to the complex nature of trucking accidents, it’s imperative to protect your rights. Our attorneys have the resources and knowledge to fight trucking companies and hold the responsible party accountable.

What Are The Most Dangerous Highways In Atlanta?

Atlanta is known for its bustling traffic, and with that comes some hazardous highways. The I-285, often called “The Perimeter,” encircles the city and is notorious for high-speed collisions and heavy truck traffic. The 1-285 has the terrifying distinction of being one of the deadliest highways in the country. The I-75/I-85 Downtown Connector sees a tremendous volume of vehicles, leading to frequent accidents. The I-20 running east-west through Atlanta is another hotspot for traffic incidents. Our car accident lawyers are well-versed in the dangers of these highways and are prepared to advocate for those injured on Georgia’s roads.

Why You Should See A Doctor After A Crash

It is essential to see a doctor immediately after a crash, even if you feel fine. Some injuries, like whiplash or internal trauma, may not show symptoms right away. A medical professional can provide a thorough examination and diagnose any injuries early, which is not only crucial for your health but also for any potential personal injury claim. Timely medical records serve as evidence of the accident’s impact on your life and can be instrumental in securing fair compensation.

Schedule A Free Consultation With An Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile or trucking accident in Georgia, you have the right to consult with a car accident attorney. Protect your rights and schedule your complimentary consultation with our experienced motor vehicle lawyers today. Call 404-240-4104 or fill out our online contact form to get started.